Sunday, April 19, 2020

A Poem: "In My Imagination"

Clear Light Bulb on Black Surface
Photo by Pixabay via Pexels
In My Imagination
Sometimes I wander through the forest at night
Gliding along in a gown of gossamer twilight.
I wonder deep thoughts while in graceful repose
Looking sweet and as sharp as thorns on a rose.

Sometimes I run off to a land that doesn’t exist
And to a castle that sits high above all the mist.
Bedecked in jewels and a dress made of silk,
My cloak hides the daggers used to dispatch wicked ilk.

Sometimes I stand upon the beach and have a good cry
As waves beat ashore and rain pours in a fierce lullaby.
The wind whips my hair and my dress of diamond tears
To the tune of Grief’s dirge to last many years.

Sometimes I rant and scream and rage.
I want to scream even louder; rage can’t be put in a cage.     
Anger spills forth in a torrent, a rush;
It won’t quiet down with one simple flush.

Sometimes I want to throw breakable things all about
With no regard to the destruction, all rules I will flout.
Toss that there, shatter this into shards.
Bring it all down like a house of cards.

All of this happens in the space of my mind
Where imagination is never confined.
Mental health worries aren’t what I want to impart.
This poem shows that I’m probably dramatic at heart!

--LK 4/15/2020


  1. Love this Lisa!! Very relatable right now.

  2. You definitely are dramatic at heart, Lisa! I love your descriptions - "dress of diamond tears," "rage can't be put in a cage," "my cloak hides the daggers used to dispatch wicked ilk,"... Love this! JoAnn


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