Sunday, January 24, 2021

"The Lost Book of the White" by C. Clare and W. Chu

The Lost Book of the White (Sept. 1, 2020) by Cassandra Clare and Wesley Chu.
*This is the second novel in a trilogy.*
That favorite star-crossed couple is making it work. No, not Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. High Warlock Magnus Bane and his Shadowhunter boyfriend Alec Lightwood. Obviously. Things are going well. Their loft is fabulous, their adopted son, Max, is learning to walk (there are also spontaneous bouts of magic from the warlock child, but no biggie), and life is relatively calm. But then Ragnor Fell (Magnus thought him dead a few years back) and Shinyun Jung, fellow warlocks, break into the apartment. Magnus gets stabbed with the Svefnthorn by Shinyun. She and Ragnor have been serving Sammael, “ruler of Greater Demons, the greatest of the Princes of Hell.” They also steal the Book of the White. To track the book down and learn more about the magical stabbing weapon, which is causing Magnus’ warlock powers to become powerfully erratic, they’ll travel from New York to Shanghai to Diyu (the realm of the dead in Chinese mythology). Time to confront powerful warlocks and “a demon so bad it took an angel to kill him last time” and lots of other demons, not other Greater Demons, but nonetheless, still not a picnic to deal with. So. Don’t die. Don’t fall into the thrall of Sammael. As usual, another basic mission for Magnus, Alec and their family/friends.
            Magnus continues to be one of my favorite characters in Clare’s Shadowhunters world (my other favorite is Jem). I was not disappointed with this installment with its dangerous action and intensive reaction to those numerous dangerous situations. The relationship between Magnus and Alec is intensifying, leading me to think that this novel may lose some of its appeal with younger YA readers. The overall feeling of this story is more mature with its romance and parenthood scenes, but it’s also as witty and cheeky as other stories of Clare’s have been. I enjoyed the introduction of Shanghai, the Shanghai Institute and Chinese Shadowhunters. Especially including Diyu, this installment deepens the mythology, and the ending! Along with the relationship between Magnus and Alec, another star-crossed romance between a Shadowhunter and a Downworlder symbolically mirrors the fight forward for marriage equality. This story is like a highly dangerous vacation. Strive to avoid the Devourer of Worlds (that one is Sammael’s favorite reference of himself). And amongst vampire dim sum, faerie dim sum and werewolf dim sum, you want the werewolf dim sum.
            Book One of The Eldest Curses: The Red Scrolls of Magic

Saturday, January 16, 2021

"Active Defense" by Lynette Eason

Active Defense (Jan. 5, 2021) by Lynette Eason.*
Four months home after serving active duty in Afghanistan, and something is off. Surgeon Heather Fontaine has a stalker, and she assumes that it’s the same stalker who has threatened her friends. Growing up in foster homes, she learned early on not to trust others, so she doesn’t reach out, despite the good group of core friends she now has. Friends like Travis Walker. He’d like to be more than friends, and, when she’s being honest with herself, she wants likewise, but she stubbornly doesn’t reach out, even though Travis happens to own his own security agency. Heather goes into hiding without disclosing her location, but her friends are very good at investigating, and Travis has been keeping tabs on her for weeks in the tiny town of Sunrise, North Carolina (not a real town). But whoever’s following escalates her/his aggression by taking Heather by surprise on the road and running her right off. Travis is following not far behind, and they shakily get to safety, meeting a self-reliant teenager named Ryker, whose growing-up years somewhat mirror Heather’s own. As the trouble increases, so does the protection surrounding Heather, but that means more friends could potentially be hurt, and she doesn’t want that on her conscience. She isn’t making headway figuring out who her stalker is, so hopefully she can accept help before someone is killed. Because, if the person she suspects is her stalker isn’t the current stalker, then who is? And why the interest in her?
            The third in the Danger Never Sleeps series is a tour de force in inspirational, romantic suspense writing. Reading this is no casual hike along a straight trail; it’s a rigorous workout on a winding trail featuring uphill climbs, some precarious terrain and even the momentary serenity of an idyllic homestead. I appreciate that Eason’s female characters are strong, independent women and that the men around them appreciate such characteristics. I also like the introduction of Ryker, an almost-eighteen-year-old making lemonade out of too many lemons. Of all the characters, I found Ryker to be the most inspiring, and even though he’s a fictional character, I couldn’t help but want the best of things in life for him. “Active Defense” is a fast-moving thriller and, equally, a heartening story.
            Extra: I am a sucker for pets, especially pets with fur, and so, when a long-beloved pet is put down, I’ll admit that I cried. A character words it so well when she says to her son, “…but God created Herman to live his life on earth with us as a temporary arrangement.” “Like he loaned him to use?” he asks. The mom replies in the affirmative and then her son says, “I think it’s time to give Herman back to God so he can make him feel better” (p. 229).
            Book One: Collateral Damage
            Book Two: Acceptable Risk (I have read this, but it’s awaiting a compilation post.)

* Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Revell Books. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions are expressly my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

The Positive Page-turner's Challenge: Take 11

For this edition of my Positive Page-turner’s Challenge, the first of 2021, I will continue to donate one package of bar soap for every book that I read, chapter books on up. Each package of soap will again contain 8-10 bars per package. For anyone curious, the brand I typically send is Ivory, but GoServ Global will not turn away full bars of soap of any brand. (For example, Dove is a nice brand, but it’s pricey in comparison.)
            Regarding my add-on to this Challenge, I will be donating $5 for every book featured in this picture. There are 18 books, so $90 will be donated to my home church of Trondhjem. It will be donated to the Haiti Fund.
            If your heart is likewise turned toward helping others close by or far away or any distance in-between, please share in the Comments. It can even be an idea of what you’d like to do or a dream project you’d like to come to fruition over time.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy 2021!

Location: Fireplace mantel of Lisa's house
Happy New Year! (For real, this year, I hope.)
If you’re at all like me, you began 2020 thinking it held such promise for a good year. After all, if you know the Chinese zodiac, you maybe knew that 2020 was a Year of the Rat. For better or for worse, that is my sign. Unfortunately, no one had a 2020 like they expected or dreamt or hoped for. Too many the world over have lost their lives to COVID, families & friends have unexpectedly had to say goodbye to too many and without the dignity and compassion of being able to be at the person’s bedside. Too many have struggled financially and are struggling to put food on the table for their families, to pay rent and other bills. So many are unemployed through no fault of their own. We’ve all struggled with things COVID-related, even just in the way we’ve all had to rearrange our lives and adapt to go get groceries. And there’s a good chance we’ve all struggled with our own personal things, because life happens.
            Throughout all of the darkness, though, we’ve seen so much positivity and so many of generous spirit. There is light always poking through the darkness, if only we can find those shafts of brilliance, those rays of hope. For anyone who reads this message, know that you are loved no matter your struggle. And if your darkness feels so great that you think you cannot find love, please reach out -- to someone you trust, to a licensed professional, just reach out. You are precious, and you are so loved. If you can, be someone else’s light. Whether you expect to receive a vaccination or feel better avoiding one at this time, the world is moving forward either way. And we will, too.
            Like a year ago, I wish you bravery, strength and courage navigating life’s potholes. I am rooting for you!
            Love, Lisa.