Thursday, September 24, 2020

"The Christmas Swap" by Melody Carlson


The Christmas Swap (Sept. 1, 2020) by Melody Carlson.*

The Christmas holiday is coming, and substitute teacher and would-be musician Emma Daley’s plan is to stay home alone in Tempe, Arizona. Her best friend of 14 years, Gillian Landers, has a different plan: that Emma will be with the Landers family, because she always spends Christmas with them since her parents moved to Uganda to run a mission school. This year, though, the Landerses are swapping houses, trading their opulent home in Scottsdale for a white Christmas in Breckenridge, Colorado. Gillian says that her brother, Grant, has a thing for Emma, and Gillian has her eyes set on Harris, who’s coming along, too. Like Gillian’s family, Harris is wealthy, and it’s no secret that she plans to marry for money. So Emma is totally thrown when Gillian suddenly shows an interest in the caretaker of the Breckenridge house they’re staying in. She does a complete 180 and goes from snooty and condescending to flirty and possessive. What is going on? Because Emma is the one who has fallen for the caretaker, known to her as West. He is funny and kind and teaches her how to ski with more patience than a schoolteacher. They enjoy the same type of music, and he’s musically- and vocally-inclined, as is she. But West is actually Tyler West Prescott (TW Prescott, professionally), an in-demand songwriter who writes for famous singers such as Gunner Price. How does Gillian know this about West? Will West tell Emma who he really is, since he’s also fallen for her?

As someone who normally experiences a white Christmas (I live in Minnesota), you won’t find me swapping houses for a warmer climate at Christmastime! Although sugary sweet, I found myself appreciating that one of the lead characters (Emma) is of part Asian descent, and this inspirational, fictional tale is an inspiring one of love. However, let it be said that I found Gillian to be aggravating with her airs and snooty attitude and spoiled demeanor. If you can get past Gillian (and her mother, Lisa, who apparently can’t be satisfied with anything about the house-swapping trip), you will surely discover a story that could be set up for a Hallmark Christmas movie. It’ll warm your heart and tug any musical heartstrings that you have. It’s a casual, light read, so it won’t be for everyone, but if you’re a fan of Christmastime and sweet reads, this might fit cozily on the side table next to your favorite chair near a wood-burning fireplace with a mug of hot chocolate topped with mini marshmallows.

 * Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Revell Books. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions are expressly my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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