Sunday, April 21, 2013

National Poetry Month 2013

Did you know April is National Poetry Month? In honor of it, here, have a poem …

Itty Bitty Animal Ditty
Duck, duck, goose,
Cows are loose,
See Dot run,
This poem’s done!
No, no, not that one! Have this one …

Itty Bitty Snacking Ditty
Pickles and beets,
Delicious sweets,
Well-seasoned fries,
Such tasty pies,
Chili and cheese,
This ends with peas.
Kidding. Just kidding. Here’s the actual poem I want to share with you …

A Backwards Feeling
Do you ever have a backwards feeling
That makes you feel like your mind is reeling,
Dizzying your thoughts so all is fiction
Due to your mind’s reality eviction?

Perhaps it affects your body instead,
Cramping your leg when you are in bed
Or tugs you back when you try to be fit,
One step forward but then two back to sit?

My case is not due to any of these,
But rather a dream as I grabbed some zzzz:
It’s hard to run from an alligator
When running up a down escalator!
This post is for you whether you like poems, love poems or hate poems. It’s for those who write poems that rhyme or don’t rhyme and for those who only like poems as long as they don’t have to write them.
            If you like this post, post a comment. If you think any (or all) of the poems stink, write a better one! But recall, I said have a poem (or three); I never said they’d be good!
            Please spread knowledge of National Poetry Month if you are an educator, but especially if you know kids, have kids or are a kid (which should cover most everyone). Happy National Poetry Month!

1 comment:

  1. Great post Lisa! Poetry is not for everyone....but it is something that everyone should have the chance to learn about, read and ENJOY :)


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