Saturday, May 25, 2024

2024 Reading Challenge - Update 8

 With the posting of Spare comes my eighth and final 2024 Reading Challenge Update! As it's a book featuring the life - thus far - of someone actually born into a royal family, it easily fits the "A Book That Features Royalty" tile. Hooray!
        I completed the self-created Challenge in the fifth month of the year. Subtracting $48 for the first four months in which I did not complete the Challenge, I donated $96 to my local church. Last Sunday, a check went into the Offering plate as a donation to the General Fund.
        Overall, this was a fun Challenge. At the outset, I felt gung-ho about making this an annual thing, but I've now changed my mind. As fun as it was, it added a layer of stress that I didn't need. Yes, it forced me to read books that I might never have read, but I also sometimes felt stressed reading library books to fulfill tiles when I have a full TBR shelf. Since this is undue stress that I can control, I don't plan to create a 2025 Reading Challenge.
        For the initial 2024 Reading Challenge post, click here.

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