Friday, April 1, 2022

National Poetry Month 2022

Free Close-Up Photo of Purple Vehicle Stock Photo
Photo by Kelly L via Pexels
National Poetry Month 2022
Written to-do lists and mental to-do lists tally so much to get done,
But for the sake of sanity, let's make a poem that's fun.
If you're looking for pranks on this April the First, you won't find them here.
Here is a safe space for imagination, just so we are clear.
I would like a vehicle that's purple and have it not a custom color be,
But one I can purchase from the dealer's lot and drive away with glee.
The vehicle will run on naught but my feelings and pizzazz
And music while we're at it, from K-pop to classical to jazz.
I want a "mowersaurus"; I saw it in a children's book.
Would it be sustained on grass alone? I should take another look.
Let's also imagine a contraption that makes dust no more,
Because that has always been a much-despised chore.
Let's live in a world that's bright like candy; it'd be a candyscape
With no detriment to health and no stickiness to escape.
Maybe some days I'd want a world of chocolate that won't melt
Or a salty day of chips with no need to loosen my belt.
Think how convenient it'd actually be if money grew on trees.
They'd fare well in a Minnesota winter, as they'd be hardy like me.
Or perhaps I'd simply find my way to a rainbow's end
Where there'd be a giant pot of gold and a unicorn friend.
What I really want is for every one of you to know love,
To have the love of family and friends that fits like a glove.
Gloves, for me, tend to run on the big side,
So let's love BIG, let's love wide. Let love never be denied!

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