Sunday, April 23, 2023

A Poem: "Plotting"

Free Blank stickers for notes attached with gold holders and hung on gray wall Stock Photo
Photo by Dominika Roseclay via Pexels
It is far more fun to plot than to plan.
Perhaps it’ll lengthen my lifespan.
To plan is a chore, but a plot can thicken.
The pace of the plot will now quicken.

I plot out my days. I plot out my week.
Plotting months in advance is a winning streak.
The amount that I plot might drive others berserk.
For me, it’s one of my many quirks.

One plots with sticky notes, I’m armed with lists.
And no, I will not cease and desist.
I don’t just do laundry; I plot it out.
Plotting is a serious workout.

My adherence to lists doesn’t make me rigid or cold.
I’m a combination of compassionate and bold.
I’m mostly loving with a side of contrary,
And with a smile, I’ll mind-smite an adversary.

I plot out life with gusto and trips with verve.
Life without plotting, the thought, the nerve!
From simple to complex, I plot with a passion.
And yes, I do plot out my workweek fashion.

Imagine if I took my passion for plotting
And applied it to extensive notes jotting.
There I am plotting world domination.
I am desperately in need of a vacation!


  1. Anyone reading this, Lisa, would want to meet you in person and get to know you. Since I know you and your well-thought-our plotting skills, I am also fascinated and appreciative of your wonderful writing skills! Such a cool poem! Thank you! JoAnn Lower

    1. Many thanks, JoAnn. The poem is very me, but it's also a bit goofy. You are kind to be "fascinated and appreciative of your wonderful writing skills." "Wonderful" seems a bit of a stretch for my silly little poem, but thank you, always, for your encouragement!


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